Summer Break

I’ve been away for the summer. Not away-away, just away from this blog. Away from writing altogether.
It’s been sweltering hot.
I’ve had people in my home.
I’ve been doing all kinds of creative stuff that I’ve been needing to do for a long time.
Plus, I was having an extremely difficult time trying to ignore the surreal happenings in my nation and write about sexy relationships as if everything was business as usual.
Ok, it was mostly that last one.

I’m sure anyone who writes was/is in the same boat.

It’s a fucked up time in history for everyone, and I didn’t want this site to be where I, too, join the whiners club. And I certainly didn’t want to wind up writing another ‘How to Find a Person to Shag Date During the Pestilence’ article, because there are a billion of them.

I needed to let this sit quiet for a bit, however, I’ll be back in a few weeks or so.
I’ve got a ton of half-written drafts patiently waiting to be finished, and many more ideas for articles with subjects I find relative and interesting.
I’ll admit that it might be difficult to COMPLETELY immerse myself in any person-on-person content since I’m currently single and haven’t much of a motivating reason to change that at this time. 😐
In any case, I’ll return soon.

In the meantime, go read the history of queening, or why kinksters sometimes wear that cool Triskelion symbol thingee, or why some men THINK they’re into being humiliated and beaten when they actually just don’t know any better.
Leave me a comment or a message. I’ll check in.

Be extra safe, people.
Keep busy and be CREATIVE. Things are going to be this way for a while.
Take vitamins, get sunshine and sleep, and call your old friends.
Mask up and COVER your fucking nose, ffs. – I’ve had a cousin die very quickly from this virus, without the time to even make it to a hospital. –
Shit is real.
But we can get through it.

See you soon,
♥♥ ~ T